วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2560


     Today I was very tired because I sleep late for 2 nights and woke up very early. I have 2 class both grade 10 and 11. I think I will use all my energy to teach my students. In grade 11, I’m very nervous because my mentor teacher joined in the class to observe me. I taught about narrative text. Before I started class I divided students into 5 groups and I give a piece of paper of the narrative text such as The smartest animals. Then students have to arrange the story into correct paragraph. After they finished I explained about narrative text about what is narrative text, orientation, complication, resolution and language features. Next, I assigned students to arrange the story again but it is from the book. The last activity, I command students to make a groups of 3 persons for creative the story but it based on orientation complication and resolution when they finished their work. They have to present their story in front the class. Students were really enjoy their work and did a great job. For grade 10 I continued the lesson, I started by letting students to play a game of dividing the words that I provide into the correct past of speech. Then I started to explain of noun phrase and gave them about the example of noun phrase. After I finished I let them to do a quiz of noun phrase. I was surprise some students got full points and some got 18-19 from 20 but some got 8-17 also. I gave them a homework about using adjective to modify a noun.
   I think today is the tires day of me but it is my fantastic day for me also because I taught my lovely student and they are really enjoy with me. 

