วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Learning Reflection in Seminar in English Language Teaching course

What did you learn in this class?

From this course, I learned many topics.

-Global English 
I learned about how English is important in many countries. The three circle of English; native speaker, ESL, and EFL.

-ESL and EFL learning context
I learned about what are the differences between ESL and EFL learning context.

-English language in Asian context
I learned about what are the similarities and differences of English language in Asian context

-Classroom learning context
I learned about what are the important factors in classroom such as teacher, students and environment.

- ICT 
I learned how to use ICT in classroom and how to make it effective in teaching and learning English.

-CLT  I learned about constrains of CLT and how to apply it in EFL classroom.
-21st century skills

I learned about what are the important skills in 21st century and how to improve students’ critical thinking skill.

-Sociocultural Theory
I learned about what is Sociocultural theory and how ti apply it in classroom.

What did you find easy?
For me, I think ICT is very easy for me to understand. It’s a thing that I can see in classroom such as computers, Power Point Presentation, Social media. ICT is easy to use. We can study how to use it or how to create activities to use with student.

What did you find difficult?
For me, I think most of topics are very difficult. I think research and article have lots of difficult vocabulary. Sometimes, I read them, but I can’t understand the story or topic.

How did you solve the problem?
My problem is I’m not good English skill such as vocabulary skill. I can't translate the text. Sometimes, I ask my friend to explain that topic to me and use dictionary to help me. I must improve my vocabulary skill .I must read a lot of books.

What are your attitudes towards the lesson?
 This course is difficult for me because I have  to read many researches. But it is very important for me to know that  and to apply in the future. Sometimes, I feel nervous that I can't understand the text or can’t do the tests, but I will try  improve my English skills.

       I am very happy to learn with Dr. Usa Noytim again. The teacher is very kind and very punctual teacher. Teacher make me feel relax when I study in this class. The teacher can explain when we can’t understand about the topic and give change to us for asking some questions. The teacher is the best role model for me. Sometimes, she angry with us many 2-3 minutes and then she make me laughing again. As you know that she will retried soon, I feel so sad because she has a lot of experience for students and she understand students for example she accept student’s attitude when students explain. I think Dr. Usa Noytim must be teach in NPRU for -5 years. Dr. Usa Noytim is beside in my heart and I will think of her when I have a difficult in my life.

Final Test

       Today, I have final test with his course with my friends.

In the beginning, teacher summarized about Sociocultural Theory for us and check our understanding before test. It consists of scaffolding. Scaffolding is very useful for teacher because we know how to build knowledge of students
After that, we had a final test. This test has two items. It’s about Sociocultural Theory and 21st century skills.

This test is very difficult for me because I cannot remembering the content, but it’s how to apply it in classroom. Teacher allow us to write in Thai language to explain the information. I think Thai version is difficult more than English because I cannot lead a point in Thai and I don’t know how to use a beautiful word to explain the information also.

Sociocultural Theory.

       Today, I learned Seminar in English Language Teaching Course.

In the beginning, teacher assigned us to make a group of four people and discussed about Sociocultural Theory.

We discussed about Sociocultural Theory.

Sociocultural theory is an emerging theory in psychology that looks at the important contributions that society makes to individual development. This theory stresses the interaction between developing people and the culture in which they live. This theory suggests that human learning is largely a social process.
The zone of proximal development is a concept created by seminal psychologist Vygotsky. 
In other words, it is the range of abilities that a person can perform with assistance, but cannot yet perform independently. 

In this week, I learned about Sociocultural Theory. It is an important theory that the teacher should know and understand and can create the activity to make students can achieve their goal in learning English language. This topic is easy to understand and more important to know and apply with students. Moreover, I have to adapt this theory with my class because I should built my students to interact with each others such as teacher-student, student-student.

Seminar Presentation

       Today is Saturday. I learned Seminar in English Language Teaching Course. Today, We present our report. There are seven groups.

-Roles of English in the ASEAN Community:  the implications for teaching and learning
 -Factor Affecting English Language Teaching and learning
-Problem of English  Language Teaching and learning in Thailand
- ICT Enhancing English  Language Teaching and learning
-Communicative Language Teaching and Learning: Strengths and Constrains
-English  Language Teaching and learning for 21st Century Skills
-Developing Thai Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

My group got the topic about Developing Thai Students’ Critical Thinking Skills. It was a very interesting topic for my group because we must be find the information from many recourses such as the article, journal and wed site. For me, I had to find about the definition for critical thinking. Moreover, it is good for us because we can apply critical thinking in my class in next semester such as how to let students have critical thinker.

I try to practice and prepare my presentation, but when I am present and I have mistake about pronounce the vocabulary. I’m very excited and not confident. So, I should try to practice more than this. I will try my best.

The end of ICT: a context approach language teaching by Stephen

       Today is Tuesday. I learned Seminar in English Language Teaching Course. In the beginning, teacher assigned us to work in group and discussed about The end of CLT: a context approach language teaching by Stephen Bax.

What is CLT?
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching second and foreign language that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as “communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages” or simply the “Communicative Approach”. Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that necessitate communication.

We discussed and summarized about CLT approach and Context approach and some argument about CLT approach. After that, we sent our representative to present our work in front of class.
  In this week, I’m so tired because I’m study and work hard. I try to discuss with my friends in my group. This topic is easy to understand because we have learned from last semester. So, we can discuss and share idea about this topic and understand about limitation about CLT.

We found that ICT have advantage and disadvantage. The advantage of ICT is helped student to communicate in real situation and fluency but the disadvantage is students cannot communicate in various situation and it is very difficult to use in EFL classroom because there are many factors such as teachers, students.

Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education

       Today is Tuesday. I learned Seminar in English Language Teaching course.
In the beginning, teacher assigned us to work in group. There are seven people in my group: Kwannate, Thakit, Teeravee, Maturin, Wanwimon, Saowaluk and me.

Teacher assigned to discuss about “Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education in Asia by Yeon Hee Choi and Hyo Woong Lee” and presented it to classmate. Then, we should sent a representative to present our opinion in front of the class. I felt very nervous because I did not understand about this. After that, we choose Saowaluk and Maturin to be our representative. They did a great job for today.

We discuss and summarized this research:
-          The starting Grade of English Language Education
-          English class hour
-          National English Curriculum
-          School textbook
-          Teaching English through English
-          The use of computer for English language Education
-          The University Entrance Examination
-          English teachers
-          Problems and Concern in primary and secondary Education in Asia

       In this week, it’s very hard for me because I must read the research and try to understand about Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education in Asia from the research. My friends in my group try to help me when I can’t understand something they try to explain to me. I like to work in group.

ICT Enhancing English Language Teaching and Learning

       Today is Tuesday. In the morning, I learned Seminar in English Language Teaching course.
Today, I learned about ICT Enhancing English Language Teaching and Learning and I had midterm test.

       In the beginning, teacher thought us about what is internet, CMC, web 2.0, asynchronous and synchronous. Teacher assigned us to read the article “Computer Assisted Language Learning: an Introduction by Mark Warschauer ” and we will discuss about this article next week.
       After that, I had midterm test. There are three items in this test. It’s about what are implication in teaching English in the future. 

        For me, I think it’s very difficult it is writing test. I should try to think in English and write it in English and I have to think about how to application everything to the class. Moreover, I cannot write academic vocabulary and I cannot make my grammar correct. So, I must improve my English skills and try to practice a lot. Finally, I hope, I will pass my midterm test.