วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education

       Today is Tuesday. I learned Seminar in English Language Teaching course.
In the beginning, teacher assigned us to work in group. There are seven people in my group: Kwannate, Thakit, Teeravee, Maturin, Wanwimon, Saowaluk and me.

Teacher assigned to discuss about “Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education in Asia by Yeon Hee Choi and Hyo Woong Lee” and presented it to classmate. Then, we should sent a representative to present our opinion in front of the class. I felt very nervous because I did not understand about this. After that, we choose Saowaluk and Maturin to be our representative. They did a great job for today.

We discuss and summarized this research:
-          The starting Grade of English Language Education
-          English class hour
-          National English Curriculum
-          School textbook
-          Teaching English through English
-          The use of computer for English language Education
-          The University Entrance Examination
-          English teachers
-          Problems and Concern in primary and secondary Education in Asia

       In this week, it’s very hard for me because I must read the research and try to understand about Current Trends and Issues in English Language Education in Asia from the research. My friends in my group try to help me when I can’t understand something they try to explain to me. I like to work in group.

