In the beginning, teacher assigned us to make a group
of four people and discussed about Sociocultural Theory.
Sociocultural theory is an emerging theory in
psychology that looks at the important contributions that society makes to
individual development. This theory stresses the interaction between developing
people and the culture in which they live. This theory suggests that human
learning is largely a social process.
The zone of proximal development is a concept created
by seminal psychologist Vygotsky.
In other words, it is the range of abilities that a
person can perform with assistance, but cannot yet perform independently.
In this week, I learned about Sociocultural Theory. It
is an important theory that the teacher should know and understand and can
create the activity to make students can achieve their goal in learning English
language. This topic is easy to understand and more important to know and apply
with students. Moreover, I have to adapt this theory with my class because
I should built my students to interact with each others such as
teacher-student, student-student.