วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2560

ICT Enhancing English Language Teaching and Learning

       Today is Tuesday. In the morning, I learned Seminar in English Language Teaching course.
Today, I learned about ICT Enhancing English Language Teaching and Learning and I had midterm test.

       In the beginning, teacher thought us about what is internet, CMC, web 2.0, asynchronous and synchronous. Teacher assigned us to read the article “Computer Assisted Language Learning: an Introduction by Mark Warschauer ” and we will discuss about this article next week.
       After that, I had midterm test. There are three items in this test. It’s about what are implication in teaching English in the future. 

        For me, I think it’s very difficult it is writing test. I should try to think in English and write it in English and I have to think about how to application everything to the class. Moreover, I cannot write academic vocabulary and I cannot make my grammar correct. So, I must improve my English skills and try to practice a lot. Finally, I hope, I will pass my midterm test.

